Gender and social inclusion

Our contribution

Systemically integrating the gender and social inclusion perspective into CAF's operations, knowledge management and technical assistance, in order to accompany partner countries with interventions that promote the exercise of rights, equality and extend benefits to all population groups

CAF approves new financial instrument for Mexico

CAF approves a new financial instrument to promote climate and social action in Mexico.

March 07, 2024

Learn about the new financial instrument that CAF approved at its Board of Directors to promote climate and social action in Mexico.

Presentation of Economic Agenda for Rural Women in Panama

Ministry of Women's Affairs presents Economic Agenda for Rural Women supported by CAF and UNDP

October 18, 2023

Learn the details of the public policy document focused on bridging socio-economic gaps that affect women in their territories.

80 athletes took part in CAF's equality program in Paraguay

80 athletes participated in CAF's gender equality program in Paraguay

October 02, 2023

Learn about CAF's gender equality program in Paraguay, which benefited 80 athletes from four soccer clubs.

CAF at Arena Blackrocks in Brazil

CAF presented ethnic-racial diversity strategy at Arena Blackrocks

September 23, 2023

Learn about CAF's participation in the fourth edition of Arena Blackrocks in São Paulo, Brazil.

CAF was heavily active at the 78th UN General Assembly.

CAF participated actively at 78th United Nations General Assembly

September 23, 2023

CAF participated in various events in the context of the 78th United Nations General Assembly. It held its his first Annual Conference with UNDP

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