The Outlook for Latin American Economies in 2021

The Outlook for Latin American Economies in 2021

May 12, 2021

The pandemic has triggered a historic crisis in Latin America. GDP is expected to rise by around 4.5% in the region in 2021, but it will be an uneven recovery across countries, industries and people, and is likely to be insufficient to compensate for the accumulated losses. 
As advanced economies vaccinate their populations, growth prospects improve. But what is the outlook for Latin America? Will recovery depend on the rate of vaccination? Will the external environment become more favorable? What can governments do to mitigate the long-term impact of this crisis with a more limited fiscal room for maneuver
These are some of the questions that we will answer in an online talk to be streamed on this website.
9:45 a.m. Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru
10:45 a.m. Bolivia, Paraguay, Venezuela
11:45 a.m. Argentina, Uruguay