Artificial Intelligence in Governments: From Theory to Action

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to become the crown jewel of the digital transformation of governments. In this online talk we will discuss its scope, main challenges and feasibility for implementation in Latin America.

AI can clearly help governments provide better services to their citizens. But which areas of artificial intelligence should be prioritized? How can we move from theory to practice? Which countries are ahead of the curve? What tangible benefits does AI bring to public service?
These are some of the questions that we will answer in an online talk to be broadcast on this website, and that will feature María Isabel Mejía, Senior Executive of the Digital Innovation Directorate of the State at CAF, Juan Corvalán, Director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Buenos Aires, Armando Guio, Researcher at the Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, and Cristina Castro, General Editor of the Semana magazine.
10:00 a.m. Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru
11:00 a.m. Bolivia, Paraguay, Venezuela
12:00 p.m. Argentina, Uruguay