Equity and social inclusion

Equity and social inclusion

Our contribution

We promote initiatives aimed at addressing the challenge of reducing poverty and inequality by channeling resources to activities in key areas, applied with a multi-dimensional approach which includes music, sports, telemedicine and socio-productive inclusion projects to strengthen the creation of social and human capital.

Equity and social inclusion
Mrs. Nela Dwarika-Ali, Permanent Secretary (Ag.) Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Assemblyman Natisha Charles-Pantin, Secretary for Food Security, Natural Resources, the Environment and Sustainable Development, Tobago House of Assembly and Mr. Bernardo Requena, Trinidad & Tobago Representative, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean- examine some of the technical equipment donated through the project.

CAF-FAO led digitization project for agribusiness sector successfully concludes with launch of extension services and online repository

July 31, 2024

Learn more about “Digitization and Innovation for the Competitiveness and Sustainability of the Agribusiness Sector in Trinidad and Tobago” project.

CAF makes equity investment in COFIDE for up to USD 10 million

CAF will make equity investment in COFIDE for up to USD 10 million to promote the sustainable development of Peru

July 18, 2024

The capital injection by CAF will strengthen COFIDE's financial solvency to implement its strategic plan through 2026. Learn more here.

CAF allocates USD 2,740 MM for the region´s sustainable development

CAF allocates USD 2,740 million for the sustainable development of Latin America and the Caribbean

July 18, 2024

Learn about the projects to which CAF will allocate the USD 2.74 billion approved in its last board of directors.

CAF approves USD 80 MM to promote equality & inclusion in Honduras

CAF approves USD 80 million to promote gender equality and social inclusion in Honduras

July 18, 2024

Learn how CAF is boosting gender equality and social inclusion in Honduras with the recent approval of USD 80 million.

CAF and UNICEF hold workshop

CAF and UNICEF hold workshop to deepen their relationship for the benefit of children in the region

July 10, 2024

Learn more about the CAF and UNICEF workshop to support children in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Reproduction list

Equity and social inclusion

  • Determinantes del bienestar financiero: video teaser

    Determinantes del bienestar financiero: video teaser

  • Lanzamiento regional reporte RED CAF 2020 - Teaser ESPAÑOL

    Lanzamiento regional reporte RED CAF 2020 - Teaser ESPAÑOL

  • Historias de desarrollo: Encadenamientos productivos - sector apícola, Chaco boliviano.

    Historias de desarrollo: Encadenamientos productivos - sector apícola, Chaco boliviano.





  • Retos para las Cadenas Agroalimentarias: sanidad e inocuidad alimentaria post COVID-19

    Retos para las Cadenas Agroalimentarias: sanidad e inocuidad alimentaria post COVID-19

  • Webinar: Aspectos esenciales para la trazabilidad (rastreo) de contactos para COVID-19

    Webinar: Aspectos esenciales para la trazabilidad (rastreo) de contactos para COVID-19

  • ¿Cómo proteger a los más vulnerables de la crisis del COVID-19?

    ¿Cómo proteger a los más vulnerables de la crisis del COVID-19?

  • SOMOS: Red del Deporte para el Desarrollo de América Latina

    SOMOS: Red del Deporte para el Desarrollo de América Latina

  • Sesión V ¿Cómo generar consensos para un crecimiento sostenible?

    Sesión V ¿Cómo generar consensos para un crecimiento sostenible?