2014 Latin American and Caribbean Carbon Forum
The forum is a regional platform established to disseminate knowledge and promote the exchange of information and experiences, facilitating an environment of business opportunities among the main interested parties in the carbon market and climate change
Event date:
September 03, 2014 - September 03, 2014
With the presence of experts and renowned national and
international personalities in the carbon market and climate
change, the eighth edition of the Latin American and Caribbean
Carbon Forum (FLACC, for its acronym in Spanish) will be held
between September 3 and 5 of this year at Compensar's Convention
Center (Avenida 68 No. 49 A - 47) in Bogota.
The presence of local, regional, and international institutions of
the public, private, and financial sectors make this Forum a
regional platform that guides and offers opportunities to identify
businesses in the carbon market and climate change
For more information regarding the Forum and registration,