AI Experience
CAF–development bank of Latin America–, Telefónica, Microsoft and C4IR.CO, a center affiliated with the World Economic Forum for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Colombia, invite you to the online event “AI Experience: Data and Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector.”
Event date:
September 15, 2021
This event will present an overview on the global and Latin American levels of the strategic use of data and artificial intelligence in the public sector, opportunities and challenges for the responsible use of this technology, as well as practical lessons learned, through some of the case studies included in the regional report on this topic that will be launched that same day.
Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Time: 8 a.m. (Colombia time) / 3 p.m. (Spain time)
September 15, 2021
Welcoming remarks
Sergio Díaz-Granados | Executive President, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-
Víctor Muñoz | Presidential Counselor for Economic Matters and Digital Transformation , Presidencia de la República de Colombia
Event Presentation
María Isabel Mejía | Senior Executive Digital Innovation of the State Directorate, CAF -development bank of Latin America-
Keynote - The development of an ethical and humanistic AI
Carme Artigas | Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence Government of Spain
Discussion panel - Responsible use of AI in the public sector
Nuria Oliver | Director of research; Tutor; Member of the IEEE; ACM Scholar; Member of EurAI; CHI Academy.
Stefano Quintarelli | Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Italian Digital Agency and member of the High Level Expert Group on AI of the European Commission
Carlos Martínez | Global Director of IoT, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Solutions and Services at Telefónica Tech de Telefónica
Andrea G. Rodriguez | Research Fellow & Project Manager @CIDOB
Global overview of the use of AI in the public sector internationally and in Latin America
Bárbara Ubaldi | Head of the Data and Digital Government unit of the OECD
Data infrastructure for artificial intelligence applications
Ricardo Michel | Consultant, CAF -development bank of Latin America-
Discussion - Potential Impact of AI on Public Employment
Guillermo Cruz | Consultant, CAF -development bank of Latin America-
Pedro Julio Uribe | Regional Director - Latin America and the Caribbean at Microsoft
Lecture - Evolution and lessons of the use of AI in the context of the pandemic
Juan Corvalán | Director of the Laboratory of Innovation and Artificial Intelligence - IALAB - of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
Parallel work sessions
Click the "+" sign in the upper right corner to learn more about the sessions.
Presentation of the regional report on AI and closure
Carlos Santiso | Director of Digital Innovation of the State, CAF -development bank of Latin America-
discover the sessions

Sergio Díaz-Granados
Executive President, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Carme Artigas
Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence Government of Spain

Carlos Santiso
Director of Digital Innovation of the State, CAF -development bank of Latin America-

María Isabel Mejía
Senior Executive Digital Innovation of the State Directorate, CAF -development bank of Latin America-

Víctor Muñoz
Presidential Counselor for Economic Matters and Digital Transformation , Presidencia de la República de Colombia

Stefano Quintarelli
Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Italian Digital Agency and member of the High Level Expert Group on AI of the European Commission

Nuria Oliver
Director of research; Tutor; Member of the IEEE; ACM Scholar; Member of EurAI; CHI Academy.

Carlos Martínez
Global Director of IoT, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Solutions and Services at Telefónica Tech de Telefónica

Bárbara Ubaldi
Head of the Data and Digital Government unit of the OECD

Pedro Julio Uribe
Regional Director - Latin America and the Caribbean at Microsoft

Juan Corvalán
Director of the Laboratory of Innovation and Artificial Intelligence - IALAB - of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

Ricardo Michel
Consultant, CAF -development bank of Latin America-
Sergio Díaz-Granados

Executive President, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-
Sergio Díaz-Granados has extensive experience in public and private service, both nationally and internationally, with special emphasis on regional development and integration issues. Before assuming the presidency of CAF, he served as Executive Director for Colombia at the Inter-American Development Bank. He previously held the positions of Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, Vice Minister of Business Development and President of the Boards of Directors of Bancóldex and ProColombia. He also has been a congressman and chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee of the Colombia’s House of Representatives.
Carme Artigas

Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence Government of Spain
Recognized Expert in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Technology Innovation, with more than 25 years of experience the Technology sector. She cofounded and was the CEO of Synergic Partners, a Pioneer European Big Data Company, which was acquired by Telefonica group in November 2015. She continued serving as company CEO until the company’s full integration into the Telefonica Group at the end of 2018. Since 2019 until her appointment as Secretary of State, she was member of several International Advisory Boards. She was appointed by the University of Stanford (California) as Ambassador “Women in Data Science (WIDS)”. She was recognized by the American business magazine” Insight Success” as the one among the 30 most influential executives with an international projection. She is among the top women in the world in the data business and she has come the public sector to make Spain a leading country in Digital transition and Technology transformation.
Carlos Santiso

Director of Digital Innovation of the State, CAF -development bank of Latin America-
Carlos Santiso es Director de Innovación Digital del Estado en CAF desde 2018. En las últimas dos décadas, ha trabajado en más de dos docenas de países en diversas capacidades en bancos multilaterales de desarrollo, agencias gubernamentales, e organismos internacionales. Antes de unirse a CAF dirigió la división de Innovación para los Servicios Ciudadanos del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, que integro en 2011 para liderar la División de Capacidad Institucional del Estado. Anteriormente, se desempeñó como gerente sectorial de gobernabilidad en el Banco Africano de Desarrollo entre 2007 y 2011, como asesor de gobernabilidad del ministerio británico para el desarrollo internacional entre 2002 y 2007 y como oficial principal en el Instituto Internacional para la Democracia y la Asistencia Electoral entre 1996 y 2000. Comenzó su carrera como asesor en la Oficina del Primer Ministro francés entre 1995 y 1996. Es miembro fundador de la junta asesora del Centro para la Gobernabilidad Democrática en Burkina Faso. Carlos tiene un doctorado. en economía política comparada de la Universidad Johns Hopkins (2006), un máster en política económica internacional de la Universidad de Columbia (1995) y un máster en política pública del Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (1993).
María Isabel Mejía

Senior Executive Digital Innovation of the State Directorate, CAF -development bank of Latin America-
Systems and Computing Engineer from the Universidad de los Andes, where she also did a specialization in Strategic Information Management. She was the coordinator of the Year 2000 Project (Y2K) in Colombia, executive director of Computadores para Educar and director of the Online Government Strategy. Between 2012 and 2016 she was Vice Minister of Information Technologies and Systems, a position from which she played the role of CIO of Colombia, leading the strengthening of the Information Technology industry as well as the strengthening of the management of Information Technology. Information in the State. In addition to her activities as a public servant, she has been a founding partner of several technology-based ventures, among which it is worth mentioning Info Projects, CityScan and PROA IA, which develop innovative projects and solutions for the digital transformation of organizations.
Víctor Muñoz

Presidential Counselor for Economic Matters and Digital Transformation , Presidencia de la República de Colombia
He is an Industrial Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and holds an MBA in Business Administration from the Universidad de los Andes. He has completed different leadership, technology and business development programs at Harvard Business School. His professional career includes different management positions in recognized technology and innovation companies in Latin America.
Stefano Quintarelli

Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Italian Digital Agency and member of the High Level Expert Group on AI of the European Commission
Nuria Oliver

Director of research; Tutor; Member of the IEEE; ACM Scholar; Member of EurAI; CHI Academy.
Chief Data Scientist at Data-Pop Alliance, Chief Scientific Advisor for the Vodafone Institute and co-founder and vice president of ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems). She is a Telecommunications Engineer from the UPM and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She has 25 years of research experience at MIT, Microsoft Research (Redmond, WA) and as the first female scientific director at Telefónica I + D (2007-2016) and the first Director of Research in Data Sciences at Vodafone worldwide (2017 -2019). She has been named one of the 11 most influential people in Artificial Intelligence in the world by Pioneering Minds (2017), one of the 13 wonderful minds of technology in Spain by EL PAIS (2017), a leading technology director (El PAIS, 2012 ), one of the “100 leaders of the future” (Capital, 2009) and one of the “40 young people who will mark the next millennium” (El PAIS, 1999), among other distinctions.
Carlos Martínez

Global Director of IoT, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Solutions and Services at Telefónica Tech de Telefónica
Prior to this, he was the Global Director of the AI & Big Data business in LUCA, Telefónica’s Data unit that merged with the IoT unit to create Telefónica Tech. Along a career of more than 20 years, he has launched and developed new digital business lines such as Cybersecurity and eHealth, while contributing to the transformation and adoption of new technologies across main industries. Carlos has an MS in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and a BS in Business Administration from UNED, as well as Postgraduate Diplomas in Management from ESADE Business School and IESE Business School.
Bárbara Ubaldi

Head of the Data and Digital Government unit of the OECD
Acting Head of the Open and Innovative Governments Division, and Head of the Digital Government and Data Unit, within the OECD's Directorate of Public Governance.
Barbara leads work on the strategic use of digital tools and data to improve openness, efficiency and innovation in the public sector. Among his responsibilities are the development of studies on Digital Government and Data of the member countries and partners of the OECD, the monitoring of the application of the OECD Recommendation on Digital Government strategies and the development of the OURdata Index and Digital Government. Index, the OECD's measurement tools for open data and digital government.
Barbara worked for eight years as a program officer in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. He accumulated extensive experience working in digital government, ICT and knowledge management for development. A Fulbright Scholar, Barbara has a Master of Public Administration from Northeastern University in Boston. In the years 2018 and 2019 Barbara was included by Apolitical among the 20 most influential figures in Digital Government in the world.
Pedro Julio Uribe

Regional Director - Latin America and the Caribbean at Microsoft
Cum Laude Systems Engineer from the Industrial University of Santander with a specialization in business strategy and information technology at Andersen Consulting. He has a specialization at MIT in corporate strategy. Pedro is responsible for defining and executing the strategy to help the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean to digitally transform themselves to achieve their objectives of promoting social and economic growth, creating an efficient government. and transparent, include and empower citizens, develop public policies based on data, and protect and maintain the environment. Prior to this position, Pedro was the director of International Organizations developing new public-private partnerships with international financial institutions such as the IDB, CAF, the World Bank and government organizations such as the Organization of American States (OAS). Pedro was the director of the Startups group for the region, he was the General Manager of the unit responsible for developing innovative solutions to close the digital divide, and prior to his regional promotion he was General Manager of Microsoft Colombia. Before joining Microsoft, Pedro was regional manager of IBM in the Andean region and before IBM he was regional manager of Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) where he specialized in business strategy and change management.
Juan Corvalán

Director of the Laboratory of Innovation and Artificial Intelligence - IALAB - of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires, Director of the postgraduate course in Artificial Intelligence and Law of the UBA and professor in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in subjects related to artificial intelligence and law Recognized in multiple exhibitions about AI, especially before international organizations (UN, OAS, IDB) and in foreign universities (Oxford, Sorbonne, among others). Invited as a speaker at the United Nations Artificial Intelligence for Good Global Summit in May 2019 and at the first Latin American Artificial Intelligence Summit convened by MIT in January 2020. Author of the book "Prometea, IA to transform public organizations" and co-author of the book "IA and work, building a new employment paradigm."
Ricardo Michel

Consultant, CAF -development bank of Latin America-
Quantum Artificial Intelligence Researcher
Development, research, teaching and regulation through public policies on artificial intelligence, linguistics and psychology.
He contributed to the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy of Mexico as a member of the IA2030MX coalition and an invited member of the SFP Artificial Intelligence subcommittee.
Erudit Chief Technology Officer, 2019-present
Scientific Director Quarkma, 2017-2019
CTO Creative Med, 2016-2017
Head of Mobile / Head of Augmented Reality Suggestic, 2014-present
CTO Online Studio Productions, 2012-2014