Brand Region Latin America and the Caribbean



Thinking about Latin America and the Caribbean brings us back to the joy of its people, its natural capital, its geographic uniqueness, its cultural diversity, the history of its ancestors, its entrepreneurial spirit and the potential of its economies. We want to strengthen our identity as a single region, in order to capitalize on our essence and what makes us unique, and to generate new opportunities for our countries and communities.

At CAF, we seek to continue to raise the voice of Latin America and the Caribbean in the world by creating a cohesive, recognizable and internationally respected regional brand. This identity will be a tool for expressing our essence and will help to highlight the positive aspects of the region, promote investments and tourist destinations, and in short, help the region to present a more unified presence and be known as a bloc on the world stage. 

The visual identity of the region's brand will be the result of a co-creation process, through a public contest that invites graphic design, advertising and communication professionals to participate. This call seeks to evoke those elements that are essential to the identity of the region.

The Regional Brand will be the image representing Latin America and the Caribbean in international settings and world-class events. Likewise, it will act as a vehicle to foster alliances and develop initiatives that promote the growth of our countries and contribute to the region's more significant presence on the global stage.



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